Welcome to Hunter Plastics

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How are cookies used on the Hunter Plastics website

Does hunterplastics.co.uk use cookies?

Yes, we use cookies to help make your browsing experience great. Cookies are very small text files which are used to remember things, like whether you have visited this site before, or to store small bits of information locally with you to make your visit faster and easier.

Want to know more about cookies and how to control them? Take a look at AboutCookies.org 

What cookies does hunterplastics.co.uk use?

  • Cookies for Measuring Web Traffic
    The main cookies on our site come from Google Analytics, a great little tool for measuring the traffic to and around our site.  Google Analytics lets us know how you found us, what pages you might have visited, how long you stayed etc. This information provides us with a great insight into how our site is used and helps us to figure out how we can make the site much better for you.
  • Cookies for Content
    Videos - Sometimes we include content from other sites, particularly YouTube videos. When we do this, YouTube may store cookies in order to track how people are watching videos from their site.
    We only post videos that are relevant to your browsing experience. We get no financial gain for posting third party content on our site.

Requirements List - We want to make your Hunter shopping experience as simple as possible, so on our site you can build up a requirements list, then print it off and take it to your local merchant. It does store some cookies but that's just to make sure it works just as you would expect it to.

How can you manage cookies?

You can control cookies by changing your browser settings. AboutCookies.org has a handy little guide on how to do this for all the major browsers.

Who gets my cookie data?

All cookie data is held by Hunter Plastics and its parent company, Aliaxis.

We do not actively sell or share any cookie related data to third parties - to us cookies are just a way of making your web visit more pleasant. We promise never to sell any information we get about you through cookies.

Still unsure about the cookies on our site?

Well if you're in doubt - shout! Drop an email to marketing@hunterplastics.co.uk.


Requirements List

The item has been added to your Requirements List